HR Task Force… servicing people in transition

Interview Request Procedure

  • Identify Interviewer from list
  • Send an email with “Interview Request” as subject to Interviewer prior to preferred meeting time. 48 hours if possible. Include the following information:
    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email
    • 2-3 Preferred Days/Time (1 hour time slots)
    • Resume
    • Level of Position
    • Job Description
    • Target Company
  • Interviewer will call you to confirm a meeting place, day/time, and to obtain additional information to understand your expectations of the interview.
  • Interviewer will send a confirmation email with the Date, Time, and Location, as well as the interviewer’s contact information.
  • Interviewee must call the interviewer 2 hours prior to the scheduled interview to confirm or cancel.
  • Interviewee agrees to download and complete and email back the survey within 24 hours of mock interview.