Linkedin Groups and Subgroups

Linkedin’s group and subgroup features allow you to more finely target your job search and employment efforts; allows recruiters to more easily find you; and allows us to better focus our administrative and employment resources.

You can join a Subgroup either by going to the ‘Subgroups’ Tab and clicking to ‘Join’ or, you can cut and paste the links for the particular Subgroup. It is important that each Member join their Regional and Professional/Industry Subgroups so that we can advance to the next stage of our Group’s development – a stage that will allow us to offer our Members more targeted and relevant job assistance and resources.

Professional and Industry Subgroups

Regional Subgroups

Special Interest Subgroups

*Members are encouraged to join this Subgroup if they’ve decide to go ‘entrepreneurial’ to create their own job; or, if you want to network or work for a business owner, entrepreneur or start-up.)