We have 3 great candidates for this job tell me why I should choose you?
Traps: Typically this question is asked toward the end of the interview and the interviewer collects papers and notes and listens to learn how it is answered. Is the answer consistent, or does a surprise come up. Even if you know that you are more qualified that the other candidates, making a comparison will be construed as saying sometime negative about the other candidates, and the assumption that you know who the other candidates could be wrong which could make your comparison inaccurate as well.
Strategies: If this is asked toward the beginning of the interview, the answer is your “30 second commercial.” Be sure to include key words as your self-description.
However as mentioned, this tends to be more of a wrap-up question, and the interviewer is not anticipating anything really new, or is asking “what didn’t you already tell me about yourself.” This is your last chance to establish your “brand” where brand is what connect you to the job. It is one or two words that summarize what you bring to the job and makes a lasting impression. Using what you have learned about what is considered most critical for success in the position; compare your skills, experience and accomplishments to each of the critical factors.
Present yourself as the ideal candidate from what you know about the job, not by any comparison to other candidates. For example, if you have identified your brands as multi-tasker, inquisitive, sociable, resourceful, dynamic and patient, and based on information about the job you are able to identify the skills considered most important to success to be empathetic, multi-tasker, listener, sociable, and achiever, then you would multi-tasker as your brand with examples from your accomplishments.
Possible Response: “I am not in any position to know what the other top candidates bring to the table, but I do believe that my experience and accomplishments demonstrate my strong (list the most critical skill needed). I have always admired this company, and would love the opportunity to become part of its future success, particularly as your choice for this job”