Not sure where to go career wise?
When considering careers, take into consideration your interests, personality, values and skills. The assessments below will help you to identify these factors so that you will have valuable information when making career decisions.
If you can take these assessments prior to your individual appointment, we can help you interpret the results and narrow down your choices.
- Choose Texas so that the information received will be for Texas.
- Choose to take the full flight.
- Choose “Assessment” in the full flight menu.
- Select “Interest Profiler” and then “Go to interest profiler”.
- Proceed through the assessment and determine your top 3 scores. Record this information somewhere.
- This website will then walk you through occupations based upon your interests. You can click on the occupation and find more information about the career including the wages for Texas.
- By going to the website above you will be automatically linked to the assessment.
- Take the assessment. Record your 4 letter code/results.
- Choose “Careers for your Type”. You can then print out the information for your personality type.
- Read about your type in “Do What You Are” by Tieger and Barron.
- Go to the site and print out the assessment.
- Take the assessment.
- Be sure to do the exercises and answer the questions at the end of the assessment.
- Select the skills you have or plan to acquire. You can print out this page after selecting if you would like a copy of your skills.
- Click “Go” to see the occupations that are a match for the skills that you selected.
- Click on an occupation and you will find an extensive summary report with a lot of information about that occupation including knowledge and education needed, salary, and work activities.